SailLouisville is homeport for all of the sailing clubs and organizations in the Louisville metro area from keelboats to dinghies. It's where you can find educational programs and clinics for learning how to sail. It's where you can find information on invitational sailing regatta's. It's where you can browse through photo galleries of some of the best sailing photos around. It's where you can find a boat to crew on or where to pick up crew. In short, if it has to do with sailing, and it's in Louisville... you'll find it at SailLouisville.
What is SailLouisville?
River Cities Community Sailing Program
If you're new to sailing and eager to learn, or even if you're simply looking to brush up on sailing skills, the River Cities Community Sailing Program is the place to start.
If your thrill is for the small one-design boats such as Thistle, Highlander, Force 5, Laser, Sunfish and others, the Louisville Sailing Club provides waters-edge facilities for racers and day-sailors alike.
If you're looking for some midweek competitive racing, long-distance racing on weekends, and occasionally breaking free of your slip and cruising, the Derby City Sailing Club is your ticket.